What is Textile Stone Array?
In the textile industrystone arraystarted to be used to increase product quality, elegance and visual richness. Reflecting the precious and luminous wealth, the stone engravings have led to a very elegant and noble image. Precious stones are processed and their raw materials are melted, boiled or broken, and they are designed according to a certain size, texture, size and shape. The fact that it has a wide variety of color charts provides comfort in that the designer who makes the pattern designs can embroider every design that he wants and designs. For this reason, it is quite easy to adapt to any audience. The quality of the stones is of great importance for the textile industry. The better the quality of the stone, the better the showiness and attractiveness of textile products.
What is Swarovski Stone?
Textile stone industryone of the most popular stonesSwarovski is a stone.Swarovski , founded by Daniel Swarovski in the late 19th centurycrystal stone gets it from the company. Swarovski stones are not real diamonds. These are the stones in which the diamond appearance is obtained by applying special cutting techniques to crystal stones and giving a smooth appearance. Working in a factory that produces glass and crystal at a young ageDaniel Swarovski He later invented the crystal cutting machine. He managed to get the patent of this machine, on which he worked for 9 years, at the end of the 9th year and established his own company.
What is DMC Stone?
DMCIt is a type of synthetic stone that is produced from high quality glass materials and increases durability thanks to its special coating. These stones can be printed by offset printing, screen printing or digital printing methods. Shapes with increased durability thanks to its special coatingDMC StoneIt is a stylish and quality material that can be used in printed fabrics, leather products and many other areas. It is also available in various forms. They can be available in rectangular, round, square, oval, heart, star and many more shapes.
The Most Ambitious Textile Factory in My Stone Line Reel Tekstil
Reel Tekstil is the textile factory with the most ostentatious stone work. Our company has Swarovski and DMC stones., with its high-tech equipment and experienced staff, fulfills the stone assembly and design services needed by the textile industry. Stone designs are made with symbolic and physical objects of the modern world order and inspired by current fashion trends and meeting customer expectation statuses.
Using drawings, images and motifs, unique designs are designed on the computer system. Digital design program where designs are appliedCorel Draw is. Placement is made on a virtual model so that critiques can be taken easily.
For manufacturing and mass production, each stone is lined up in different molds with different size, color and texture.
Prepared moldsArtcam In the program, operations related to depth and diameter measurements are made. After the adjustments are madeCNC ROUTER In the cutting and engraving machine, round holes are made according to the stone size.
CNC work is done very tightly, with the stones adjacent to each other. It is the machine used in stone designs that are very close to each other. Since the design is very close to each other, the cutting process damages the mold, so small holes are opened without the cutting process.
For sparse and not too close stone designsGOLDEN LAZER The molds are cut in the cutting machine. The process of cutting the desired shape with laser beams is valid for intermittent and sparse designs. After the cutting process is finished, all the molds are collected.
For foil and plexiglass materialsGRAPHTEC Plotter cutting machine is used. Text and figures are copied in USB and placed on the cutting machine. Adhesive foil is attached to the cutting machine and cutting is started according to the dimensions. The resulting shape is then used as a mold for processing stones.
The removed molds are in the sorting machines.DMC lined with quality stone and50 micran transfer tape is used. During the alignment, the parts that require fine workmanship are lined up by our professional team, who manually indexes them. In the serial stone assembly process, it is shaken in the vacuum moving head machine and the stones find their places in the molds created by the cutting or drilling process in the machines.
The products are pressed by placing them in the Malkan double-head steam press machine. Temperature and durations vary according to the type of fabric placed on the product.In knitwear stone processing Pressure is applied at 150 degrees and for 15 seconds. Having a double head is very useful in terms of mass production. it will dazzle youof stonework master of real textiles.